LaTeX Style

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  • Larger equations with proper proportions
  • Colored box on top.

LaTeX New Line


LaTeX Arrows

Good site[1]

  • Arrow over text to the right

\( \overrightarrow{text} \:\:\:\: \) is \overrightarrow{text}

  • Arrow over text to the left

\( \overleftarrow{text} \:\:\:\: \) is \overleftarrow{text}

LaTeX Color

MathJax colors work with enclosing braces, not just and end brace as in LaTeX.
Use, \color{red}{x+y} for \(\color{red}{x+y}\).

LaTeX Comment

  • Use the text command, as in \text{ this will not be interpreted ).
  • Comments on a line with an equation like the one below:
$$1.\: P(c)=f(c) \:\:\:\: \color{red}{\text{ Graphs for \(f\) and \(P\) pass through \((c,f(c))\)}}$$

Are indented twice and have four spaces between the equation and the comment
::1.\: P(c)=f(c) \:\:\:\: \color{red}{\text{ Graphs for \(f\) and \(P\) pass through \((c,f(c))\)}}

LaTeX Display

Use \ ( and \ ) for inline
Use $$ for large, centered, display
Use \underbrace for labels under the statement

\( \color{red}{\underbrace{\color{black}{\rho}}_{\color{red}{\text{Density}}}} \)

is produced by this

Use \overbrace for labels over the statement
is produced by this

For an equation block use this:

{| style="margin-left: 40px;"
| || \(= \)
| || \(= \)
| || \(= \)

Try to keep the equal signs lined up.
To make the type look bold use \mathbf{} as in \(\mathbf{x=\theta}\).

For a question mark over a sign.

LaTeX Integrals with Circles

Use \oint for an integral with a circle.

$$ \textbf{1. } \oint M \:dx $$

Use \rlap{\mkern5.5mu\circlearrowright}\int for a clockwise integral.

$$ \textbf{2. } \rlap{\mkern5.5mu\circlearrowright}\int M \:dx $$

Use \rlap{\mkern5.5mu\circlearrowleft}\int for a counterclockwise integral.

$$ \textbf{3. } \rlap{\mkern5.5mu\circlearrowleft}\int M \:dx $$

LaTeX Prime Characters

$$\text{1st Prime =} P{}^{\prime} \text{or P{}^{\prime} }$$
$$\text{2nd Prime =} P{}^{\prime \prime} \text{or P{}^{\prime \prime} }$$

after the 3rd prime use

$$n\text{th Prime =} P{}^{(n)} \text{or P{}^{(n)} }$$

LaTeX Reference Card


LaTeX Special Characters

CTAN LaTeX Symbols[2]
LaTeX Symbols
\ Escape
\: space
\infty infinity
\sin trig function
\pm plus - minus
\text{<any text>}, always put \: after

Trig Functions with no tag

x^{\prime} = \(x^{\prime}\)
x^{\prime \prime} = \(x^{\prime \prime}\)

LaTeX Multi-line Statements

Statement with multiple lines end with \\.

LaTeX Multi-line Text

Use the text keyword with the multiple line token \\



LaTex Multi Text.gif

LaTeX Operator Name

Not every operator is built into LaTeX. For example, arcsec looks like \(\arcsec\). The fix is to use the operatorname function. Such as,

\operatorname{arcsec} (x) looks like \(\operatorname{arcsec} (x)\).

LaTeX Display Alignment Size

Display alignment, LaTeX statements between double '$', are centered by default, they are aligned left here. There a carriage return after the last '$'.
$$ \huge \pi $$ This is on the next line because the last double '$' uses a hard carriage return.

Shifting the display right requires a space or indent, ':', symbol. Each \(\pi\\) below uses 0,1,2, and 3 indents.
$$ \huge \pi \text{ 0 indent } $$

$$ \huge \pi \text{ 1 indent } $$
$$ \huge \pi \text{ 2 indent } $$
$$ \huge \pi \text{ 3 indent } $$

Center the statement by placing it in a table between center commands.

$$ \huge \pi $$

Right the statement by placing it in a table and using, style="float:right;", in the table. When using double $ add <br clear=all /> after the table so the following text does not ride up.

$$ \huge \pi $$

Each indent is about 20px. In a table use, style="margin-left: 40px", to simulate two intentions.

LaTeX Proportions

Proportion tags like \left and \right work as intended outside a table. No nowiki tag is needed. See below.
The statement, \large \left|\frac{x^{6}}{x+1}\right|, looks like this below in display and inline styles.
$$ \large \left|\frac{x^{6}}{x+1}\right| $$ \( \large \left|\frac{x^{6}}{x+1}\right| \)

Inside a table set the vertical height to 100 px or so using the style="height:100px" command.

$$= \large \ln \left|\frac{x^{6}}{x+1}\right| - \frac{9}{x+1} + C $$

Proper proportion for one side use a period for the missing side. Here, \left. matches the \right|.

$$ \left. \frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\right|_{(a,b)} = f_{y}(a,b) $$

\left. \frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\right|_{(a,b)} = f_{y}(a,b)

LaTeX Proportions [Brackets]

Sometimes the brackets must be even over an equation. For example,

$$\left[ \left( \frac{3}{4} \right) t^{4/3} \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{i} + \left[ \ln | t - 1 | \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{j} + \left[ -e^{-t} \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{k} $$

looks very miss proportioned. Use the \vphantom{} command in the \( \textbf{j} \) and \( \textbf{k} \) equations with the 3/4 inserted, \vphantom{ \frac{3}{4} }, to even the size, as below.

$$\left[ \left( \frac{3}{4} \right) t^{4/3} \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{i} + \left[\vphantom{\frac{3}{4} } \ln | t - 1 | \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{j} + \left[ \vphantom{\frac{3}{4} } -e^{-t} \right]_{0}^{1} \textbf{k} $$

LaTeX Size

Display size only works between double $. Setting sizes is described well here[3][4].

$$ \tiny \text{ The \tiny font size is 6pt} $$ $$ \scriptsize \text{ The \scriptsize font size is 8pt} $$ $$ \footnotesize \text{ The \footnotesize font size is 9pt} $$ $$ \small \text{ The \small font size is 10pt} $$ $$ \normalsize \text{ The \normalsize font size is 10.95pt} $$ $$ \large \text{ The \large font size is 12pt} $$ $$ \Large \text{ The \Large font size is 14.4pt} $$ $$ \LARGE \text{ The \LARGE font size is 17.28pt} $$ $$ \huge \text{ The \huge font size is 20.74pt} $$ $$ \Huge \text{ The \Huge font size is 24.88pt} $$

LaTeX Strikethrough[5]

Use \require{cancel} first, then the as below:
\cancel{math} \(\require{cancel}\cancel{math}\)
\bcancel{math} \(\require{cancel}\bcancel{math}\)
\xcancel{math} \(\require{cancel}\xcancel{math}\)
\cancelto{value}{math} \(\require{cancel}\cancelto{value}{math}\)

LaTeX Style

  1. Always use a space in \(x\:dx\) and not \(xdx\) to display a clear separation between \(x\) and \(dx\), else it looks like three variables strung together and misinterpreted as \(x^{2}d\).
  2. Use the center-dot \( \cdot \) to represent multiplication. Using the astrisk \( * \) or x \( \times \) to represent multiplication can lead to confusion.
  3. Logo is rendered with: \LaTeX as \(\LaTeX\)

Internal Links

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