ACM Comm 2011 03 Data Structures in the Multi-Core Age (Notes)

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"Plug-and-Play Macroscopes" CACM March 2011

Data Structures in the Multicore Age
by By Nir Shavit, p.76-84

Data Structures in the Multicore Age



  1. Concurrent Data Structures have a trade-off between correctness and performance.
  2. Concurrent World Correctness - Safety, Nothing Bad Happens. Liveness, Something Good will Eventually Happen.
  3. Consistency Conditions - Serializability, Linearizability, Sequential consistency, and Quiescent Consistency.
  4. Contention Manager - Stalled threads keep the same resource while the winning thread holds it. Thus increasing traffic. A Contention Manager reduces that.
  5. Different Threads require a shared resource. This moves away from a Turing Machine.
  6. Future software engineers will need to learn how to program using these novel structures, understanding their performance benefits and their fairness limitations. - author's comment
  7. Progress Conditions - Deadlockfreedom, Starvation-freedom, Lockfreedom, and Wait-Freedom.
  8. Stalls - Threads access a shared resource one at a time.
  9. The data structures of our childhood—stacks, queues, and heaps—will soon disappear, replaced by looser “unordered” concurrent constructs based on distribution and randomization. - author's comment
  10. Threads need exclusive access to a resource. How do we get around this? Read-Only objects are trivial. Read-Write objects get exciting.
  11. Threads-and-Objects Model - parallel programming model where threads communicate using shared objects.
  12. We are experiencing a fundamental shift in the properties required of concurrent data structures and of the algorithms at the core of their implementation. - author's comment


  1. Amdahl's Law[1] Describes the theoretical speedup for a fixed system after a given bottle-neck is cleared. Consequence - the bottle-neck always moves.

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